Last-minute sandbagging of doorways is not a real defence. Extreme rainfall and catastrophic flooding events are increasing in frequency every year. Home and business owners are starting to realise they… read more →
Installing a basement pump in a UK property should no longer be an unusual or rare event. The requirement for fitting a sump pump – one that is properly specified to… read more →
A modern bellows pump compressors is a precise, high powered pump system used in a variety of medical and scientific laboratory applications. Very different from it’s origins in iron smelting… read more →
The importance of a battery back-up for a sump pump cannot be underestimated. It’s simply not the case that a basement pump will only need to rely on a battery… read more →
Installing the right pump to carry out the job required is critical. Unfortunately, a mistake in specification may only come to light when there’s an obvious performance failure from a… read more →
The end of the summer is often the time to start thinking about preparing the home for winter, which should include checking the boiler and radiators. But how efficient is… read more →
The frequency of exceptionally heavy rainfall across the UK appears to have increased, according to a new report by the Met Office*. But it may not be only a sump… read more →
The need for a sewage pump can apply just as much to a residential or business property as an industrial / commercial premises. A sewage pump will be in addition… read more →
If you have a basement pump, when was the last time it was serviced? A neglected or poorly maintained sump pump is likely to let you down when it’s most… read more →
There is a lot of debate about whether it is better to repair or replace a failed pump motor. A far better option is to ensure your pump motor fail… read more →